Apple looks to reinvent seatbelt buckles

20 June 2023
Apple wants to put an LED indicator inside the buckle.

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  • Azie

I thought we have indicator on the main panel of EVERY car (most of them beeping like crazy) if any seatbelts are not buckled for taken seats. LOL. Technically noone looks at the buckles EVER, it's such a basic movement to buckle them.

  • Anonymous

Skoda has that already..

  • PBD

This already exists on some VAG group cars.

  • Anonymous

Apple should remove the seat belt entirely and make it a DLC.

  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 21 Jun 2023Hardly re-invention. Minor upgrade is what it is, and that Apple is patenting it is simply sha... morejust like Edison.

  • Anonymous

jason, 21 Jun 2023I mean Its apple users, they need to be told how to think and operate. This is no surprise, n... moreThis is the best Apple car yet. You can go upto 60 MPH in the standard and 120MPH in the Pro model." - in Tim Cook's voice.

  • jason

I mean Its apple users, they need to be told how to think and operate.
This is no surprise, needing a light to inform you that your seatbelt has locked instead of the old fashioned way of listening for the click and even if you cant hear you have arms to check its locked into place.

  • Anonymous

Please don't allow them they can do it in their place but not in EU

  • Anonymous

Re-invention in Apple style. Lol

  • Anonymous

I've read the headline and thought maybe they have the engineering, R&D and manpower to "reinvent" the seat belt in a way which benefits the drivers and passengers.... what a clown company.

  • Anonymous

What an evitable, dumb, crappy and laughable bullshit invention. Apple, keep calm and carry on. Stop showing us how you are trying to be special and always failing to deliver. All your devices are overpriced products that are offered by other companies for less money and with even better quality.

  • Anonymous

Dr. Watson, 21 Jun 2023This is an entirely different site and the comments are still a cesspool. How.The article posted on gsmarena also.

This is an entirely different site and the comments are still a cesspool. How.

  • Nini

Helps in the dark though.

  • Marco

JH, 21 Jun 2023It has been done before. But with Apple, people will think they invent everything, including ... moreYes, the illustration in the Artical is from a Skoda patent. But, most cars does have a indicator light in the isntrument cluster or dashboard, so this is redundant.

  • Marco

Anonymous, 21 Jun 2023Other brands are already charging a monthly fee for seat warmers.Only BMW, and people buying such crap gets what they deserve. If you don't want to be scammed, then don't buy from scammers.

  • Marco

Anonymous, 21 Jun 2023All for a very reasonable price of 999 USD + tax per buckle.+ $2000 for assembly ;-)

  • Anonymous

All for a very reasonable price of 999 USD + tax per buckle.

  • Anonymous

Hardly re-invention. Minor upgrade is what it is, and that Apple is patenting it is simply shameful.
Volvo didn't patent seat belts and the whole mankind greatly benefitted off of it.
But American companies have to patent everything for them greedy selves.

  • Student

looks like my pre-Uni project.