Dongfeng updates Voyah Free with 746 miles range

06 August 2023
The upcoming Dongfeng Voyah Free is more than just an SUV; it's a blend of cutting-edge tech, performance, and undeniable style.

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  • Pinni

Kuba, 07 Aug 2023I live in China and 1-year old Voyah free can be purchased for 25k USD, lost 17k USD value in ... moreI'm just considering to buy Voyah Free but your comment surprises me. I wonder what people are saying about the VF. To my eyes it is nice looking car with many great features. Thank you for the reply

  • Anonymous

It looks like Chinese copied Togg T10X. The front end and the interior looks like T10X and it isn't even released outside of Turkey.

  • Kuba

I live in China and 1-year old Voyah free can be purchased for 25k USD, lost 17k USD value in one year... that tells you that people who bought it are desperate to get rid of it but still nobody buys it.