Chery introduces all-new Exeed Sterra ES Sedan

18 August 2023
Chery's new electric vehicle from a new brand, the Exeed Sterra ES Sedan, has all the markings of the next big thing on the electric horizon.

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  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 18 Aug 2023What's up with this cringe writing style?Like really who enjoys reading boring article?you apparently.cause i'm still trying to figure how tf you find this cringe.WEIRD

  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 20 Aug 2023Please get to normal writing lifestyle like we are used to on gsmarena. Or put a disclaimer on... moreYou just lack sense of humor/understanding.nothing is cringe about this article

  • Anonymous

Please get to normal writing lifestyle like we are used to on gsmarena. Or put a disclaimer on top - CRINGE.

  • Anonymous

What's up with this cringe writing style?

  • 123

That looks alike BYD Han