UK delays ban on new gasoline and diesel cars to 2035

21 September 2023
The UK's ban on new gasoline and diesel cars gets a 5-year extension to 2035, garnering mixed reactions from the automotive industry.

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  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 21 Sep 20232035 is too early. Ban should be delayed until all the inconvenience of electric cars are remo... moreBut the thing is electric cars already do charge fast and have long ranges such as 500km. The average gas car can't do 1000km either. Filling a gas car takes 2-3 mins, I could say the same thing here, it's too long. And also as gas cars or diesel age their economy drops aswell + have you seen prices in the EU for a gas car?

  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 25 Sep 2023How about, no ban and let electric be an open market where they compete against gas and diesel... moreIf that choice was given then almost nobody will buy electric until atleast 2050 or beyond when benefits of electric will finally outweigh that of IC engines. In no time soon are we going to get electric cars that are affordable and have competitive range. Not banning goes against their evil agenda to squeeze money out of people. Banning IC engine and forcing people to pay (more) for electric is a new way they make more money. They even introduced measures such as forcing people to pay for resident parking permit if they don't have electric cars.

  • Anonymous

How about, no ban and let electric be an open market where they compete against gas and diesel. That way bot compete. Either we get better gas cars that are more affordable to drive and have less environmental impact or we get better electric cars that are more affordable to drive and have less environmental impact. There is the other option where both continue to exist and both are viable options that comes to consumer preference not government dictating to citizens.

  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 21 Sep 20232035 is too early. Ban should be delayed until all the inconvenience of electric cars are remo... morebecause Europe(oh, plus UK and USA) has become everything they were against to. Now an enviroment terrorist and dictator

  • Anonymous

lol, UK being hypocratic at its best, and yet another reason for the lefties to blame him and take him down.. We will be watching with popcorns

  • Anonymous

2035 is too early. Ban should be delayed until all the inconvenience of electric cars are removed, such as high price, low range and long charging time. Despite their claims, it's extremely unlikely that the average person can afford long range electric cars that charge fast until 2050 or even beyond.
And honestly, why ban? Why so extreme? Such bans bring supposed benefits that are only detected and felt by certain groups, certain politicians, certain businesses and scientists that are on their paychecks. The masses never see or feel any benefit of such environmentalism. It only makes certain wealthy people feel good and relevant. But it's the poor who has to make all the sacrifice. The rich can easily afford Tesla. But the poor can only get decent range out of an IC engine car. When this ban comes, the rich feels nothing, but the poor suffers. Think carefully, all these environmental restrictions are designed to squeeze money out of you.

  • Anonymous

Sunak won't even be on the back benches by then: he'll abandon the UK the moment he's out of office.

But his entire tenure has been a sequence of actions designed to maximise fossil fuel profits while saying the opposite. So this is just the mask slipping a little further. He's just another far right climate reality denier, only of the more dangerous sort because he pretends to be in touch with reality while carrying out their agenda.