Nissan suspends all combustion engine deveopment to focus on an electrified future

04 June 2024
Nissan has declared its commitment to an electric future, ceasing investments in new combustion engines and focusing on expanding its e-Power hybrid system.

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  • Jackpot

Please bring the Nissan Sakura to Europe

has nissan been investing in ICE engines? hasn't it been using renault engines except a few performance models?

  • Anonymous

I want Nissans below to be revived:
Nissan Fuga (executive sedan)
Nissan Cima (full size luxury sedan)
Nissan President (ultra luxury sedan)

  • Anonymous

Anonymous, 04 Jun 2024bad decision, EVs are still not enough to replace combusion engines yetBut ICE is still there, for generating electricity not for drivetrain ans that is good aproach.

  • Anonymous

Bonanza, 04 Jun 2024Nissan committing automotive sudokuI think you meant automotive harakiri.

  • Bonanza

Nissan committing automotive sudoku

  • Anonymous

bad decision, EVs are still not enough to replace combusion engines yet

  • nikola

very, very stupid move.