Leapmotor T03 and C10 now available to order across Europe

01 October 2024
Chinese automaker Leapmotor is launching two affordable EVs in Europe, the T03 city car and the C10 SUV, backed by a partnership with Stellantis.

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  • nice car

this car is solid as hell, design is useful and practical like smart forfour. thats the only electric car that interest me. the cage is solid, euroncap can afraid to test it. safety is my first priority. practicality is second. other way we use motorbike or tricycle. well done china. dont worry about envy EU people.

  • trivik12

Are the prices listed for Europe or China. Why is it listed in USD? Does it mean its sub 20K euros for the hatchback. Could sell very well. Plus does it have any impact due to tariff?

  • Frici

Add 2 EUR to the price and next time hire a designer to make it look good.