Volkswagen CEO promises fix for infotainment and touch controls

25 November 2022
VW’s freshly appointed CEO is promising that the laggy infotainment system will be fixed as the company is working towards a solution.

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  • Anonymous

Why is the race among car manufacturers who will put more cheap screens inside car?
We are glued to those screens at hoke.on tv,laptop,tablets,phones everywhere we go..big screens in fast food restaurants,shopping malls,gas stations..most people also spend 8h in front of screens every day at their work...and at least when you sit in a car that you can rest from those screens,but no,big screens in front of you so that you cannot even see also rear view mirrors are cameras woth screens in some cars...come on,enough with those screens already

  • Anonymous

The more screens and touch buttons car have,the less I'm interested. And unfortunately,the more i need to keep my current car.