Reviving the brand: Pu+Ra HPE all-electric coupe channels Lancia Stratos design

16 April 2023
Well, here it is - Lancia Pu+Ra HPE is meant to bring the brand back from obscurity and into the front row of electric car manufacturers.

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  • FloridaMarty

Lancia Who? Lancia What?

  • Cooper

What an ugly concept/car..
throwing LANCIA logo everywhere, ugly front, ugly back , ugly roof, ugly console..
Only thing I like are the optics.. but not the middle vertical optic at the front of the hood..
Radical? where is this brand going?? does LANCIA even have prestige? Renders are so low in quality.. the design team must be short on GPUs..

  • Bacaruda

Pointless exercise from Stellantis, which has way too many sub-premium brands looking to find market position alresdy.

Lancia has history, but no future. It has been a zombie brand for over 30 years. Some remember its rally history, but no-one remembers the cars it sold in the last 30 years.

  • Anonymous

Now this looks more like an actual car than the first released images