Nissan Concept 20-23 is a glimpse of urban electric future

25 September 2023
Nissan Concept 20-23, unveiled to celebrate Nissan Design Europe’s 20th anniversary, is a bold vision of the future of urban electric cars, blending sporty design with innovative aerodynamic features.

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  • Escila

look a bit like a new beetle with aftermarket pieces

  • robson

So, this Concept 20-23 is not just a car with a long name. It's a way for Nissan to celebrate their 20 years of doing design stuff in London. They even threw in their lucky number 23 to make it extra special. The design team got free rein to make a car they'd love to drive in the crazy streets of London. That's pretty cool, if you ask me.

  • Mohammad1

I guess the only good thing about this concept car is that it's just an exterior model. No need to worry about it actually hitting the streets!

  • sheldon9

Damn, Nissan knows how to make electric cars look cool! Sign me up

  • xyz321

I dig it. It looks like a 2000-2001 Lutecia Renault Sport Trophy V6 24V Race Car. Same shape.....sorta.....