Volkswagen promises €20,000 electric car by 2027

29 May 2024
Volkswagen plans to launch a {{€20,000}} electric car by 2027, aiming to make EVs more accessible and compete with the growing dominance of Chinese EV manufacturers.

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  • Anonymous

Understood, so vw promises €27,000 electric car

  • jakai

In other words, VW admits BYD is 3 years ahead of them, if not more.

  • Petr Brok

Tony, 29 May 2024Am I crazy or back in 2016 they were saying the id.3 will cost around 25k?They promised that the ID.3 will have same price as diesel Golf. So definitely less than what they are asking now.

  • Tony

Am I crazy or back in 2016 they were saying the id.3 will cost around 25k?