Tesla's Sentry Mode will get better at trying to deter thieves and vandals

Vlad, 23 March 2025

Following its impromptu all-hands meeting, Tesla made a few cosmetic changes to its Cybertruck pages, and hid an Easter egg in plain sight.

On the part detailing Sentry Mode, there's now the following text (seen also in the screenshot below): "Enable Sentry Mode to monitor your unattended vehicle or trailer, and automatically activate the alarm, increase the touchscreen brightness, and play music at max volume if a threat is detected".

Tesla's Sentry Mode will get better at trying to deter thieves and vandals

And that last detail - playing music at max volume - is new. The functionality isn't yet present in Tesla's software as of the latest update (2025.8), so it's safe to assume it's coming in a future release, perhaps a bigger spring update - if that's coming, and if history repeats, it will.

This will presumably use the Cybertruck's Superhorn and external speaker, which can already play music when parked through the Boombox feature. That Superhorn really is loud, so this will hopefully help deter any thieves or vandals trying to attack your Cybertruck.

Interestingly, the "music at max volume" addition has so far only made it to the Cybertruck's page. Make of that what you will - this either means updates to the pages of other Teslas are coming, or that this feature will be exclusive to the Cybertruck. Of course, only time will tell.



Reader comments

  • O

Best way to protect your vehicle is to sell your Tesla / not buy one in the first place.

  • Anonymous

seen and not heard

  • silence

Noisy vehicles should be banned, default to silent, and/or easily user deactivated. Lock chime. Unlock chime. Backup chime. Window chime. Sunroof chime. Backseat chime. Seatbelt chime. Moron chime.



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