Autonomous Volkswagen ID.4 masters Beijing's rain-soaked roads

Max McDee, 25 July 2024

The latest autonomous technology demonstration from Horizon Robotics and Volkswagen has just been released in China. Amidst a relentless 30-hour downpour, a Volkswagen ID.4 equipped with Horizon Robotics' SuperDrive technology successfully navigated the chaotic streets of Beijing, demonstrating the system's impressive self-driving capabilities even in adverse weather conditions.

The demonstration, captured on video, shows Dr. Yu Kai, Horizon Robotics' CEO, chauffeuring Volkswagen China's CEO, Ralf Brandstätter, through the bustling city during evening rush hour. While the planned nature of the video is evident from exterior shots of the vehicle, the unpredictable weather added an unexpected layer of complexity to the test.

The Horizon SuperDrive, a comprehensive autonomous driving system not yet available in production ID.4 models, showcased its prowess by seamlessly handling a variety of challenging scenarios without any human intervention. The system expertly navigated congested intersections, construction zones with confusing road markings, bus lanes, and even a roundabout – a relatively uncommon feature in China.

The vehicle's ability to interpret and respond to the erratic behaviors of other drivers, such as sudden lane changes and hesitant maneuvers, further highlighted the system's sophisticated decision-making capabilities. The SuperDrive system's actions were remarkably smooth and in many ways human-like, devoid of the abrupt braking or hesitation often associated with autonomous vehicles.

Horizon Robotics claims the SuperDrive system prioritizes safety, comfort, and convenience, aiming to replicate the skills of seasoned drivers. It uses a combination of advanced sensors, including a lidar unit mounted on the windshield, to "see" and interpret the environment, enabling features such as obstacle avoidance, gentle braking, dynamic speed control, and smooth execution of unprotected left turns.

Autonomous Volkswagen ID.4 masters Beijing's rain-soaked roads

The collaboration between Volkswagen and Horizon Robotics, started in 2022, aims to enhance ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and autonomous driving technologies for the Chinese market. This latest demonstration shows quite a significant progress made in this partnership, in a relatively short span of time.

While the exact hardware requirements of the SuperDrive system remain unclear, the successful demonstration in challenging conditions is a significant milestone in the development of autonomous driving technology. The video of course has been edited so it is hard to tell if there were any mishaps along the way. But, the stuff that was left in is impressive enough.



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