Mahindra teaser shows upcoming all-electric SUVs reach impressive top speeds

Ro, 12 September 2023

Mahindra published a short teaser video for its upcoming all-electric SUVs. The XUV.e8, XUV.e9 and BE.05 are three of the company's upcoming EVs and we can see them being tested in Chennai, India. They go through a high-speed testing on an oval track reaching 124 mph. That's already pretty decent for an EV, but it may not even be their top speed.

Unfortunately, the video is short and the vehicles are all covered in camo, so there's not much to see here, except some obvious changes compared to their concept versions. For instance, the LED lights are bigger, the pillars are thicker and the wheels adopt smaller rims.

The XUV.e8, XUV.e9, and BE.05 will be based on the modular platform Inglo, offering single and dual motor configurations. The front-mounted one comes from VW with 107 hp output, while the rear one goes up to 228 hp or 282 hp, sourced from Valeo and VW, respectively. The battery comes from the Chinese brand BYD.

If everything goes to plan, the XUV.e8 will likely debut in December next year, while the XUV.e9 and BE.05 are scheduled to launch in April 2025 and October 2025, respectively.

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