Tesla exec reveals previously unknown details about the new Model 3

Vlad, 15 February 2024

Yesterday Tesla published a promo video that quickly showcased a lot of the new features inside the new Model 3 (codename Highland) which just arrived in North America at the end of January. And today we get even more information about some of the new Model 3's nooks and crannies, from none other than Lars Moravy, Tesla's VP of Vehicle Engineering. He responded to users on X regarding a few things.

Let's start with the backseat. Some people are alleging there's less space now on the backseat, but Moravy says that's not true. Furthermore, the company increased the rear seat incline to improve comfort while adding some extra cushioning.

Tesla exec reveals previously unknown details about the new Model 3

Next up, the increased efficiency comes from better aerodynamics, more efficient tires, improved HVAC efficiency, lower low voltage consumption, and even decreased brake drag. Moravy says Tesla views improving efficiency "as a system problem not a battery or component issue".

By the way, on the topic of tires - did you know all tires designed in partnership with Tesla havea a T marking? T0, T1, T2. This can help identify which tires to buy once the factory installed set run out.

Tesla exec reveals previously unknown details about the new Model 3

The Model 3 now has two mics for phone calls instead of one, and a "unique shock absorbing technology" called Frequency Selective Damping, which improves the perception of ride comfort by isolating shake frequencies in your belly (4-6 Hz) without losing any steering response, basically just making "the small nibbles in the road disappear".

That's about it for now, but we have to say we appreciate the fact that such a high-ranking exec at a car maker is openly answering questions on X, giving us a bit more insight into the intentions behind some of the changes that were made for the new Model 3.



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