Tesla explains its heat pump technology in new promo video

Vlad, 21 January 2023

Not all EVs have heat pumps, but really, they should - aside from, perhaps, those sold in places where it doesn't ever get cold. As our glossary definition explains in detail, EVs don't have the ability to use the same heating system as ICE cars do. Those reuse engine exhaust heat, but obviously there's no such thing on an EV. So the choice is either a conventional system or a heat pump, the latter being much more power efficient.

Tesla perhaps thought these facts weren't known enough by most people, and so the company decided to upload a new promo video to its official YouTube channel today. And yes, it's all about heat pumps - specifically Tesla's heat pumps, and why they're very good to have. Take a look for yourself:

In case you couldn't watch the video, it details how a heat pump as basically an air conditioner in reverse. Tesla first introduced the heat pump on the Model Y, and since it's made its way to the company's entire EV portfolio.

Tesla's heat pump was designed to be as uncomplicated as possible, in order not to add dozens of components to the car it's used in. With the heat pump, depending on conditions, you may be using three to four times less energy for heating the inside of the car than without it - and that's why, if it gets cold where you live, your next EV should definitely have a heat pump, regardless of whether it's a Tesla or not.


Reader comments

A simple heat pump with low amount of components ... TBH, that sounds like a direct jab at Toyota solution :-D which is great, don't get me wrong, but MAN is it complicated.



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