Watch someone throw a baseball and a steel ball at the Tesla Cybertruck's windows

Remember when Elon Musk first unveiled the Tesla Cybertruck and tried to prove how impact resistant its "armor glass" windows were by having a member of his team throw a metal ball at them? It's one of the most famous fails of all time. Here's the video.

Now that the Cybertruck is finally shipping, many years later, it's no surprise that someone would try to emulate that 'test' in real life. So that's exactly what TechRax over on YouTube decided to do. The obvious question here is - has anything changed? Will the glass still break? Or has Tesla perhaps improved the impact resistance of the windows? Well, there's only one way to find out, so let's watch what happens.

Spoiler alert: nothing happens, aside from a small scuff. To kick things off, a baseball was thrown at the Cybertruck's driver side window, which did no damage whatsoever. But the moment of truth came when a steel ball was employed, just like the Tesla team did back in 2019.

When first throwing it, nothing happened, but then, at maximum force, a small scuff does appear on the window, but it still doesn't break. So it definitely looks like Tesla has improved the impact resistance of the Cybertruck's windows from the initial announcement.

In other recent Cybertruck-related news, its aerodynamic wheel covers were found to damage tires, and about 25% of the buyers are opting to get the range-extending battery pack.

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