Steam is now available in Tesla Model S and Model X

Tesla delivered on its promise to integrate Steam into its electric cars and as of now the service is available both in Model S and Model X vehicles. Last time we heard about it was July, Elon Musk was promising to release a demo some time in August but August came and went.

Today the company released Steam Beta as part of its “holiday update” and instantly gave the owners access to a full Steam library with thousands of titles playable on Tesla’s screen. That’s one sure way to make the Supercharger visits fun:

Not everyone will be able to use Steam unfortunately. Only the owners of the latest Model S and Model X manufactured from 2020 can take advantage of the Steam access thanks to their cars having the updated processing units. The integrated AMD Navi 23 is the one that handles graphics in the latest Model S and Model X and is the only one at the moment capable of Steam integration.

Apart from raw processing power, storage plays a significant role and again, the latest cars offer more of it. That means downloading and playing graphically demanding games won’t affect the performance of the entire system. We wouldn’t want to see Model 3 glitching at full speed on the highway just because the kids are playing Witcher.

With the latest update, Tesla just turned two of its most expensive models into the most expensive gaming rigs on the market. The performance of the Model S and Model X onboard computer has been compared to other gaming consoles and it turns out Tesla is nearly as good as PlayStation 5 or Xbox X.

With the 5G connectivity steadily improving and now with the Steam built-in into Model S and Model X, being stuck in traffic or waiting for an available Supercharger is no longer an issue. For those who charge their Teslas at home, a few hours of gaming in the garage sounds like a sensible idea. Who needs a PS5 when you can get a $140,000 Model S Plaid? PS5 can’t do 0 to 100 km/h in 2 seconds unless you shoot it out of a cannon.


Reader comments

Cars with options to play games like on PC i mean steam is another burden feature just to drain batteries a lot faster.